I tried to post this story three times yesterday before running off to play "team tennis" and for some reason blogspot was messing up each time I posted it. SO, instead of getting really frustrated, I gave up, went to play tennis - thank you very much, boys and girls, my team won the most points for all six games played. I figured out that my team did not win any overall matches last year. They were excited and in disbelief when they added up all the scores and discovered we had won.... so for example, my mixed doubles partner and I won our game 8 to 3, our singles gal won her game 8 to 1, my doubles partner and I lost our match 5 to 8... over all score was my team 38 their team 34....... Nice night!
AND before tennis, it was an exciting day when in the mail I received a copy of the Summer Somerset Studio Gallery magazine addressed to "artist - comp copy." Hmmmmmm, who might that be? Lo and behold, there was a work of mine I had submitted last November to the special "Marie" publication by Somerset. WOW, I felt all tingly.... doing the Snoopy dance! I will not include photos of that piece right now since they may have been what was messing up my posting. I will try a second post and comment more on the piece that was not to be submitted but was to be the envelope for the other work I submitted which was a small "Marie" book. Who knew the envelope that got so messed up that I kept collaging would be the published work of art?
Interesting times in the Breeze! Yes, I wrote in my Gratitude Journal about my amazing journey yesterday.....
Interesting times in the Breeze! Yes, I wrote in my Gratitude Journal about my amazing journey yesterday.....
Hooray! Congratulations to you =)
Clap!!! Clap!!! Big, huge congrats coming your way.
I am so thrilled for you Marlynn!
I can't wait to see it in the magazine, I am going to buy it as soon as it comes out.
That's my girl! I'm so thrilled. I know how much you worked on that piece. Congrats!
Congratulations galore! Enthusiastic cheer! Your explorations are so skilled now, it is only fitting that you receive recognition for your activities.
OH BIG Congratulations and very well deserved too Ms M...what a thrill!!
You go girl! I look forward to seeing your work in person when the magazine comes out.
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