When flipping to June's featured female, Lady Violet Natheless, we discover that she has strangled the Hon. Opal Gentian at Gilravage Hall on Midsummer's Eve, 1925. June 23rd is Midsumer's Eve and is said to mark the ancient middle of summer, the astronomical beginning of summer, and the nativity of St. John the Baptist. Some also claim that the fairies dance at midnight on the Eve. Here is an interesting little factoid which I am certain Edward knew - there is a Gentian Violet. Do tell....... you know he knew....

OK, back to the Gorey drawing, we see the Lady likes to dress like the Lord of the Manor. You can only imagine what I thought of ??? Yup, same thing you did. Fashion is everything? or Lover's quarrels can be so ugly especially (and this is where my mind starts making the story mine) when you have someone hiding behind the peacock feather.
Oh my, oh my, dear readers, you know there is always a Mrs. Peacock in the story...... or is that Miss Peacock as I envision in my scenario. What can you say, how about, "Shame on you, Violet. Shame on you."
On this piece I was going to literally sew some fringe on the table cloth but changed my mind when the beads and plastic purple feathers were not cooperating. Instead I just cut it all up and individually added each one, then used a favorite "cover-up" called glitter.... Always remember, sparkle is good. Sparkle is really good!
I felt it did give a three-D look to the work. Below you will see my imagined dearly departed Opal who looks like a cheery ol' gal. OK, obviously her red crown does clash with Lady V's purple tux..... I know......
When all is said and done - it always comes down to fashion issues....
As our dear Tim would say on Project Runway - Make it Work! Hopefully, I did and hope you enjoy the final product.