Twas a beautiful dinner table Ms. Jenny set for Easter lunch. But then again, she always does. It is one of her fav holidays and she loves to make little goodie baskets for each guest.
We dined on ham, green beans, potatoes, rolls, broccoli, squash, olives, and ..... Even Oliver was ready.....
As a matter of fact Oliver was busy in the kitchen just before dinner praying that mommy and Ms. Jenny would drop stuff on the floor so he could clean up after them:
What can you say, that little pup works hard for his dinner. After stuffing ourselves, Oliver was ready to rumble and wanted to go outside.
It was all his daddy could do to hold the little rug rat down...... But you have to admit, the boy is so cute,
And lest we say, I didn't show you any creations today, here is the small ATC I included in Marilyn's copy of Writing Home:
This was a very early ATC card I experimented with. I used an old Xmas card for the background, cut out an image and used the phrase, "I'm becoming my mother." Sewed down the side and also used a clock face transparency in the background.
Have a great Monday evening. I am now working on the 8 ATC cards for my swap in a few weeks. More on that later.

What a darling post. Loved sharing Easter with you and Oliver. Did he ever get to dress in his Easter finery? It sure would have been a hoot.
Looks like you had a great time and got really full, too. I know I would be if I ate all that food.
Your ATC is incredible. How many layers was that???
Fun post! That Oliver is so darned sweet &
Looks like you and the family had a beautiful Easter celebration -- and you know I love the ATC! Wishing you the happiest week and spring weather that's here to stay!
Love your post, and so glad you had a great holiday.
Your early ATC is fab! So simple yet shows it's sentiment well.
I love that ATC (I'm becoming my mother :) Your Easter looked wonderful--and I know Oliver enjoyed it!!
Love it, mirror mirror on the wall, I am my mother afterall!
double lucky Marilyn! Cindy's book AND your fun ATC
Oliver is so photogenic!
Happy Easter Tuesday ;)
Happy Easter Marlynn! I love what you did with the ATC.
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