I sorta disappeared on you this week. Not my idea but these things happen especially at this time of the year. I was busy with stuff. It is time for a regular colonoscopy -- been 6 years -- however, there is one difference between this and the last time....... blood thinners and an artificial aortic valve. Ta Da! So the doctor (same as last time) has decided because of the blood thinners, no family history, no problems, and finally - a very twisty turney colon (mine, that would be which was a SURPRISE to her last time around) --it might be that we might try something else. SOMETHING ELSE - uh oh - this is never good is it? It is called a barium enema. OH CRAP, batman and guess what - the crafty little beasties could get me in on Friday (like yesterday) which meant I started cleaning the system out on Thursday and then if anything looks suspicious we can do a colonoscopy -- hmmmm.
In other words, it has been an interesting week. Enough said on this topic. I am not necessarily loving the color of white gesso, or white chalk, or white anything that flows like gravy - in or out. OK OK OK - I'm stopping. I wish I had taken my digital camera - really.... you would have loved it. Looked like a scene from Dr. Giggles - if you like those kind of tongue-in-cheek stylish horror movies. It was a 1992 - I remember it well. Nope, I'm not done - called James the Trainer told him I could not work out yesterday because I couldn't do squats... . ... OK, I'm done with the jokes. Merry Xmas...
AND, the Xmas cactus are in bloom - (I just typed blood - oh dear too early this morning for that!) .... They have been with me for years and years and usually bloom at Thanksgiving and in March. This year they, obviously, decided if I was not going to decorate (see my reason below) for Xmas they would!
I bought me a new calendar for 2009 and plan to decorate it each month. Edward Gorey ROCKS!Wish I could have gotten in his mind. The man is my kind of man....... no more needs to be said. His calendar for this year is a year of neglected murderesses...... oh boy. I can't wait to decorate each month and share the creation with you. In honor of my new found calendar I had to go and grab my Gorey cup. I love PBS Mystery -- some of the time just for the opening and Gorey introduction to the show. I'm telling you - Edward speaks to me. I heart him as you can tell!
Gee, Cuz, you are as eccentric as I am.
Gee, Cuz, guess it runs in the family?! Whoo Hoooo.
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