He thinks he is Farmer John (aka KoKoBean) - he is not - just saying - he is not. This is our morning as I was "weeding" out the grass in the rocks in the backyard. I do love the "surround" area of the patio that hosts all these beautiful river rocks. How old it is - don't have a clue - but..... grass grows thru the punctured lining and so we "weed" -
Our pre-4th of July activities will hopefully be mostly indoors. It is hot and humid already out in the wild where this little renegade (sorry butt he would turn to face so you get the "butt view" - it is cute)
loves to "adventure in." I want to get out at some point and re-pot some of the flowers. The squirrels love to dig in the pots and just wreck havoc with the pansies. So time for me to play "Farmer Jane" and get my assistant "Farmer John" to leave my gardening gloves alone. Like he listens to me. Stay cool, calm, and at be peace in our topsy turvy world. Happy Fourth of July America!

I remember attending the VP Fair in St. Louis several years in a row. I also remember hot, muggy, and amazingly, longer hours in the day than where I lived at the time. Surprising how something that small and trivial stays with you over the years. I never understood how the sun set later in St. Louis than in southeast KS. But it did and I assume still does.
Have a super wonderful holiday, Marlynn and KokoBean. Stay in and stay cool on the 4th. There will be time to weed later in the week.
Forgot to mention, in case you didn't know, the "party" was always around the Arch and is now called Fair St. Louis, I went in 83 and saw Elton John and Joan Jet. In 84 I saw Linda Ronstadt. Great music, but I think it got rained out in 85 and was why I didn't go.
Actually, that should have read 82 and 83 when I went. DUH. My fingers type faster than my brain, I guess.
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