I am not the first to note this. I have had other friends who have left Facebook and Instagram in order to focus on other projects - which could mean their blogging. Is blogging a thing of the past. I don't really think so. My problem is that I am literally using my iPhone to take all my photos and these are not downloaded to my computer automatically. When I was using my digital cameras - I would literally plug that into the computer and just use what I wanted. Now I am not that apple savvy and do not go back and forth between a PC and iPad or iPhone but - I should just suck it up and do what I usually do... I really love my iPhone photo apps - I really do.....
OK - hold on I'm getting back to the main thought -- And that is going to my iPhone and sending photos to my AOL account and then opening those and saving to my computer. Do you hear me whine? So here are a few photos from the holidays.... Yes, two glorious weeks off and over the holidays, I was able to organize and clean up my craft room. Will post photos later since they are not downloaded onto this lap top. And after the cleaning, I made a lot of art in two weeks. Oh my was that liberating. Mess upon mess downstairs as I watched and streamed Netflix old TV series to my TV. Have I told you how much I love the 70s show Kolchak - The Night Stalker? I watched all 20 episodes while "creating" -- which meant I also then had to clean up the downstairs mess:
Made two little altered books and got them sent off. The one below was for my blog friend Diane over at My Art Journal as a "trade" for a beautiful Poppy Box she made for me.
And then - I had been saving this box since 2009 when I traveled to NYC and bought a Dunder Mifflin shredder. Been saving it for someone who would appreciate it.... and Elizabeth was lucky "winner."
Also on my two weeks off, I cooked and had a ball doing it. My friend/neighbor gave me a wonderful rough linen pinafore apron. Overall it was a fantastic time off, created a lot of art and just want to say Happy New Year to all of you. Love you all! And as a final note to Elizabeth - you guilt really well, girlfriend! LOL