"Carry a jar of bubbles in your car.
Add a little fantasy
for the next traffic jam."
Jennifer Louden
Worked yesterday and today. Did get to do cardio tennis yesterday morning. I chose to work since it caught me up and my Monday will not be as bad as it might have been! LOL I head to the two meetings on Wednesday and will return next Tuesday. I am pretty certain that Harley may be able to keep you up with my activities since I will be busy and the little red dog will be roaming the halls of the hotel. Hopefully staying out of trouble, but we do know him don't we.
Today, we will treat you to three more letters: R, S, and T. These three were really fun way back when!
(do you realize I haven't created anything since way back when?)
R = A Royal Pain - (oh yes they were, see the look in their eyes)
and then there was S = Behind Closed Doors - Sorcery 101:
and last is T = and Baby Makes Three. This is a favorite since I used up the last of some fun lace I had:
And now it is time to go thru a few papers I did bring home from work - Now Now - it is called "purging" the old files! Y E S and then I will run out and buy a jar of bubbles and play in traffic under the full moon. Is there a full moon? Smooches and Hugs and I promise not to stay away so long. And a little tease for you, when July 1 shows up, we will have a few give aways!