Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 5th of July from Honeysuckle Breeze

Where did the three day weekend go??? I ask you - WHERE DID IT GO..... I'm ready for one more day off but will have to get up and go to work in the morning.

It was a great 4th of July. Went over the Korie's homestead. Rode in the convertible with Larcy and the little pup Oliver. He so loves the wind in his hair. The weather was awesome for a 4th of July in northern Virgina. Lower 80s and no humidity. Do tell, we must be in heaven. In the left hand corner of this photo you can see the younger women (at my age, anything younger than 50 is "younger"!) participating in a sack race. There was no way anyone was convincing me this would be fun after I saw all of the spills the guys and gals took. Yes, the children managed a little better. I have to play tennis tomorrow and weren't taking any chances on injuries at my age! ; ]

Oliver was such a great pup and made a number of new friends. Some friends knew him from this blog. I will let you all know it again - Oliver has his own blog called It's All About the Little White Dog. Yes, go on over to his place for a visit and leave a little comment for the greatest pup alive! NO, I'm not like prejudiced. No way.... Oliver and Liz bonded and I mean bonded. It was a mutual love fest.

Louise enjoyed meeting Oliver and it looks like she is giving him wise counsel. Not that he needs it. He did not bite the little 2 year old who tried to pull his tale twice. However, I had to be constrained from biting the kid. NO, just kidding.....And then there was this gentle guest who lingered for quite a while. What a great 4th of July. We are blessed and grateful in the Breeze!

1 comment:

Debby said...

Glad you had a wonderful weekend, sounds like fun. The weather was beautiful here too. I got up this morning and wandered into work..hehehe...but the day went fast so that was a good thing. Oliver is a real cutie.